May 27, 2021

One time I was reading a friend’s post on Facebook – she and her little boy were looking at pictures of him as a baby and he said,

"Mom, I'm glad you took pictures of me when I was little. That way when I grow up to be a great man of God I can show my kids what I looked like.”

I love that this little guy thinks he’s going to grow up to be a man of God!

When I asked her about it, she said, “I've been speaking that into his life the past several months. The first time I told him, ‘You're going to grow up to be a great man of God and change this world,’ he said, ‘I am?’ I said, ‘Yep’ and he said, ‘How do you know?’ I said, ‘Mommy's just know these things...’

Isn’t that great? This mommy has begun to plant vision into the heart of her young son at an early age, and he will just grow up expecting to be a man of God who changes the world! Mommy’s just know these things!

As parents we have a great influence in our children’s lives. I encourage you to speak life over your child as this young mother did. The vision for their life comes from the Word of God. Here are a few examples:

“God has a wonderful divinely ordered plan for my child’s life. They have a divine destiny, and I proclaim they are walking in it today.”

“I refuse to fear over my child. I surround them with faith and love. I imagine them successful, happy, protected, and healthy all the days of their lives.”

“The Greater One lives in my child today. He helps them, guides them, encourages them, protects them, and empowers them. He causes them to overcome in every situation of life.”

(For more positive confessions to speak over your children, get your own copy of "Parenting With A Purpose" daily devotional in the bookstore at

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